Please read the guidelines below before submitting a funding request.

  • We provide funding for purchasing equipment or home modifications that
    enhance or aid in daily living only. We do not provide funding for programs or therapies.
  • Home modifications must be approved before starting. We do not fund home modifications that have been already completed.
  • Please ensure you complete the entire form. Any omissions will delay the processing of your request.
  • For equipment requests please provide 2 quotes from suppliers and include them with the request form.
  • Check with your insurance company to see if they will cover some or all costs.
  • We encourage you to seek funding from other agencies. If you have applied and have
    been approved by other agencies please provide their contact information.
  • Once completed send the request form and the quotes via email to:
    **Do not mail your request forms.
  • Funding may be approved for previously purchased equipment provided that we receive your request within 30 days of the original purchase date. Copies of receipts for the equipment must be included with this request form. Please keep the originals.
  • Your request will be reviewed at the first Request Committee meeting after the request is received. You will be contacted with our decision by phone or email.
  • If approved we will deal directly with suppliers whenever possible.
  • If funding is paid directly to you, the receipts from equipment purchases must be sent to the ECPA office within two (2) weeks after purchasing the requested equipment. Please keep a copy of the receipt(s) for your records. Faxing or emailing receipts is acceptable.

DISCLAIMER: ECPA does not provide funding for therapies or programs. Funding is limited
and not guaranteed. The ECPA is not obligated to fund the entire cost of an approved
funding request. In addition, funding is contingent and dependent at all times on the
availability of funds within the Funding Request Program. The Request Committee reserves
the right to require additional information relating to the funding request. Funding will not
cover portions of supplies that are eligible for insurance or group benefits.

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